Wednesday 13 April 2011

Another Year

Yup, another year slowly rolls by, as if trying not to get noticed too closely.  But, even though my failing brain cells are becoming more forgetful, seemingly by the month, I am still conscious of the fact time skulks away like a reluctant party goer at a very dull and boring engagement party disco.
But worse -  I now no longer have an active role playing group.

My 'hardcore' rpers have taken up responsible roles within their careers and family lives, and no longer possess the luxury of the amount of free time required to devote to a single rp session, once a week.

Then there are the ones who feel they have just 'out grown' the role playing scene.  That to me is the saddest thing.  To turn your back on something that truly gives you enjoyment, pleasure, along with the social interaction of a close circle of friends, because you are older.

This is where I shake my head and frown.

It has always been my own personal belief that if you suppress the child within you, then life loses one of its biggest pleasures - fun.  I don't mean you have to act like a big kid , but let your inner child experience life through you and with you, keeping your mind stimulated and alert to everything around you, whilst knowing when to let go and when to be the responsible person you've grown to be.

Without the inner child where would we be?  Zest for life becomes a drab affair, we stop getting excited about the simple things, we become too serious about everyday life, but worst of all, we lose our imagination.

As I have said, these are just my own thoughts on the matter, but when I see my former rp group members on the odd occasion, I see it in their eyes.  A resigned look of something faded or fading away.

Don't allow this to be you.  Life is far too rich an experience to live it without the company of your inner child.

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